Tuesday, June 14, 2011

bigtime 2011 The Home Teaser

bigtime 2011 The Home Teaser

My friends shredding around Tohoku, where the biggest earthquake and Tsunami on earth happened, just dropped their new movie trailer its called "The Home". After 3.11. they couldn't even go to mountains. Some of them drive around Tohoku to carry foods and stuff they need for a couple of month. Even though they had a critical damge to their home town, but they are still alive and still can shred. So they decided to keep filming and make their movie this year too. I'm so impressed thier strength, and passion for snowboarding. There were tons of charity events all around Japan and bigtime crew was always the biggest guest for every single events. I'm really impressed with what they've been doing. I love bigtime crew. Check it out. Peace.


今年、世界で最も大きな出来事の一つだっただろう東北地方太平洋沖地震。そんな中もちろん自分たちも被災してる中で ひたすら東北のために動いていた crew の一つ bigtime。自分たちも 被災者を受け入れたり、被災地に救援物資を運んだりして スノーボードする暇なんかなかったことも多かっただろうが 新潟含め 日本全国のチャリティイベントに顔を出し、義援金や救援物資を自ら運び 東北のスノーボーダー、スケーター、サーファーのために動いていた。撮影する時間も体力も、資金もほとんど無かった中で 今年もしっかり一本の movie を作ってくれるみたいだ。彼らの今シーズンの動きは 本当に素晴らしいと思った。bigtime crew "The Home" teaser. Check it out. Peace.


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